
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

15 Month Doctor Visit and Flu Shots

Yesterday, we headed to Dr. Wood's office for Jack's 15 month check-up and for Georgia to get her flu shot. Fun stuff!! I had to get Georgia a little early from Mother's Day Out, so she missed lunch at school. When I picked her up I told her she could pick anywhere she wanted to eat lunch. She told me she wanted to eat where Daddy took her when I was real sick and they had all her favorite things spread out and she got to pick what she wanted. I thought and thought, and a friend was standing there with me when she said it. He then said, I bet she's talking about when you were in the hospital when you had Jack. She said, "Yes, the hospital, that's right!" So not by my choice, we ate at the Baptist East cafeteria for lunch. We ran into a friend from Tallassee who is a RN at the hospital, and she couldn't believe we had come just to eat there. She thought that was so funny!

Jack and Dr. Wood

So after our wonderful lunch, we went to the doctor. Jack weighed 21 lbs 13 oz (10%) and was 32 3/4" tall (90%). Dr. Wood laughed and said we had two long, lanky babies (they definitely get that from Michael and not me). They both got their flu shots and Jack had to get one other shot. They were both troopers and only cried for a moment. I do think the flu shot did something to them both...they were out of control hyper yesterday afternoon and night. The shot probably didn't have anything to do with it, but I am going to blame it on that anyway!

After the shots, I took the kids to The Cookie Company for a treat since they had been so good. The Children's Place is next door to The Cookie Company, so we ran in there for a minute. Georgia first saw a pink glitter belt with a rhinestone belt buckle. She had to have it. Then she found the matching pink glitter shoes, and then a matching shirt, purse, headband, and bracelet. She wanted it all. I caved in and let her get the shirt and she could pick two accessories to go with it was the belt and shoes. She was so proud of her new outfit. The next morning, she woke up at 6:30, went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and put the entire outfit on before coming to get me. She was ready for school and wanted to know if it was time to go. It brought back memories of how exciting it was to get a new outfit and wear it to school for the first time. I wish you could have seen her when she got to school. She strutted in and started pointing her toes, so everyone could see her shoes. Little Kirsten said, "WOW, Georgia Anne. You are so glittery." The outfit and shoes are not what I would have picked, but the fact that they were so special to her made me like them!

1 comment:

  1. I love these stories! Tell Georgie that I love her new outfit and she is very good at accessorizing!
