
Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!  I just LOVE Easter and have so many things to be thankful for, especially that Jesus is alive!
We started Holy Week off with the children participating in church service on Palm Sunday. 
After church we celebrated with a church wide picnic followed by an Easter egg hunt.  The kids always have such a great time on Palm Sunday at church.
Saturday we went to the city sponsored Egg Hunt where the kids got to spend the afternoon with sweet friends, play games and see the Easter Bunny.
We dyed a few Easter eggs after the egg hunt.
My babies before church on Easter morning.
The Alpha Bells played at early service.  They are such a joy to hear and watch!

After church we headed to Montgomery for Easter lunch at my sister Tori's house and to celebrate this little blessing turning one!!
We hunted eggs one final time.  Tori had put money in some of the eggs so it was a "full on hunt" to find the prize eggs!

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Jack is playing 6 year old T-Ball this year.  He really enjoys it and takes it very seriously.  He practices almost daily with Daddy in the front yard and has gotten quite good at his swing. 
He is thrilled to be on the "Hustlers" team with his best friend Stephen. 
Jack with Coach Stephen
Daniel decided he didn't want to play this year.  I think he has had just as much fun watching Jack and some of his friends.
The cheering Section!!
I'm not sure who is having more fun:  Jack playing or Georgie getting to be with sweet friends during his games!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dance Pictures

 Dance Recital time is drawing near and with that comes dance pictures.  Georgie picked her favorite two dance costumes for us to take a few pictures for the program ad we purchased.  She is such a sweet and talented young lady and I am so very proud of her!


My sister-in-law, Kami, asked I snap a few photos of my niece Virginia Kate.  Miss Priss is two and one of the youngest ones taking dance this year.  Let me tell you, she's got it going on!  What other two year old do you know can already do a split?!?!