
Monday, August 26, 2013

Back to School

My poor little blog has been neglected lately.  The kids and I made the best of our last weeks of summer, but the time has come for back to school.  The kids started to school last week.  The two days Daniel and I are at home together it sure is lonely without the other two with us.  :(    

Georgia Anne is in the fourth grade this year.  I can hardly believe we have a child old enough to be in the fourth grade!?!?  I got a kick out of her saying she was a "senior" at the elementary school.  Funny girl.

Our "wonderful teacher streak" continues this year with Mrs. Cunningham.  She is the best and I know Georgie will have a wonderful year.

My precious middle child started kindergarten and let me just tell was hard on him and his Mommy!  I was an emotional wreck last week (and still am a little if the truth be known).  Jack has the sweetest, most loving little personality and does not do well with change and things that are different.  We both survived the first week and today I sent him in school without any tears and happy, which was a wonderful feeling! 
We were thrilled he got Mrs. Looney because her personality is a perfect fit for Jack and she is a wonderful teacher.  I do not have to worry one bit about him with her.
One last snapshot before I left him the first day. 

He about broke my heart on Wednesday.  We were talking when I was tucking him in bed when he told me he had to hold back the tears all day at school because he wondered where I was and what I was doing all day long.  He said he just wanted to stay at home with me forever.  Such a sweet angel. 

Finally, D-Man is headed back to Pre-K for three mornings a week.  He likes going to school and enjoys being with his friends.  He always tells me the funniest stories about what happens at school.  I don't have to pry information out of him that's for sure.  I love his happy-go-lucky attitude so much!
Mrs. Creel, Daniel and Mrs. Dickerson