
Friday, June 28, 2013

Peach Tree

 Last spring when my Granny died, a family friend sent the kids the sweetest note with money for them to use to honor Granny in some way.  Georgia Anne had a great idea to use the money to purchase a tree and plant it in memory of Granny.  I thought it was a wonderful idea.  We took them to the garden center and let them choose the tree they wanted.  They selected a peach tree and let them decide where to plant it. 
I miss Granny so much.  She loved flowers and gardening and it makes me smile when I see the tree and think of her.
The first blooms this spring came on the year anniversary of her death.  I was sad that entire day. Towards the end of the day I was in the kitchen at the sink when I looked out the window and noticed the little tree the kids had selected and planted had a few pretty pink blooms.  Pink was her favorite color.  It was almost as if Granny was showing me it was alright. 
Soon the tree was covered with little green peaches.

And now full of fuzzy ripe peaches that just make he happy.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Grand Hotel Vacation

We just returned from a lovely trip to the Grand Hotel in Point Clear, Alabama.  It was the perfect family vacation for us: plenty of activities for the family, beautiful scenery and lots of good food.
Our attempt at a family photo (thanks to a nice gentleman who snapped it for us).

I think the following photos speak for themselves.  Like I said, beautiful, beautiful scenery!
Our view of Mobile Bay from our balcony. 

We enjoyed.....
lots of swimming in the hotel's amazing pool....
putting practice on the golf greens in front of the hotel....
introducing the kiddos to relaxing in a hammock....
bicycle riding along the boardwalk....
lots of swimming time on the bay's beach....
beautiful sunsets in the evenings....
kayaking fun on the bay....
and lots more swimming in the hotels off-location pool.

What I loved most was Michael and I getting to spend time with these precious babies God has given us!! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

VBS 2013: Kingdom Rock

Some of the kids sang the theme song during church Sunday morning.
Last week our church held VBS.  This year's theme was Kingdom Rock: Stand Strong for Jesus.  The kids had a wonderful time (as always) and learned so much.  I was in charge of preschool crafts again this year and had a great time doing that.  I thought I'd share a few pictures from our week.
Laura and I made this castle from cardboard boxes for the preschool craft room.
The entrance to the craft room.
Allison and Georgie
 We made these watercolor crosses the day we learned about Jesus dying on the cross.  We started with a blank sheet of white paper with a cross traced on it.  The kids had to color the cross with white crayon.  Then when we water colored the paper the cross stayed white.  It was a wonderful way to show the kids that even though we can't see Jesus (like when the colored the cross white) we know He is there.  If we trust, He will show us the way (like when we painted the page).
We made wooden photo frames that held a picture of them from earlier in the week.
We also made a prayer book from their hand prints which they filled with pictures of who they liked to pray for.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Color Run

Saturday the Tallassee Chamber of Commerce hosted a 5K Color Run which also included a Mile Fun Run which Georgia Anne ran.  She finished 2nd and we are so proud of her.  She is a good little runner (definitely didn't get that talent from me or my side of the family).
On your mark....  Get set.....
Georgie coming across the finish line and getting "colored."
There was pretty much a cloud of color smoke surrounding Jack, Daniel and Trey the entire race.  They didn't do any running, but did a lot of "coloring."
The finished product!  What a fun Saturday morning!