
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tori is Blogging!!

I'm glad to announce that my sister, Tori, has started a blog!! I'm so excited I convinced her to do it. Tori and Bryan are getting married August 1st and I know they will have a lot to blog about in the next few months. Go on over and check it out:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jack and his Trains

Jack loves anything that, trucks, planes, lawn mowers, and especially trains. He plays with his Tomas the Train cars all the time. I caught him in our bedroom playing with them on our bed. He was pushing them all along the rails on our bed.

Growing Up

Well, I guess I've just got to face the facts...Georgia is growing up, and growing up fast! I have fought it for a while now, but I have to accept that she isn't a baby anymore. I've still been trying to put her in smocked outfits and mary jane shoes...she HATES them!! I have finally surrendered (somewhat, anyway) to her. I took her to The Gap to let her pick out a few things yesterday. She saw this dress and had to have it. Then she wanted the sunglasses and flip flops. She put her entire outfit together by herself. It just hit me how grown up she looked. The dress looks like something a teenager, or adult, would wear, as well as the sunglasses. She didn't want sunglasses that looked "baby." I love watching her grow, but man it makes me sad!!


Doesn't he look like such a big boy in these pictures? I know it looks like he is wearing an Auburn outfit, but I can assure you he is not!! Hee!

Daniel has been a little fussy the past few days. He loves bath time, so during one of his fussy spells I decided to see if a bath would help calm him down. It did the trick. He immediately stopped crying and began kicking his legs in the water. After that he took a bottle and settled in for a nap. What is it about a bath that works wonders for children?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kami!!

Happy Birthday, Kami! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Picnic in the Park

Last week we took the kids to the Shakespeare Festival for a picnic in the park. It was a beautiful day and Georgie and Jack really enjoyed the ducks and geese. Jack was a little scared at first but he soon warmed up to them. They are so tame and will come right up to you to take food. We even had a little squirrel who came within 18 inches of us. He begged for food just like a dog. Georgie found a duck with three little chicks and followed them around for about 20 minutes. The Mama duck would let her get right next to the babies. Daniel slept for most of the time, except for a brief awakening to eat.

Memorial Day Adventure

My brother-in-law, Joey, and two of his friends, Shep and Byron, had quite a Memorial Day adventure! The three set out Thursday from the boat ramp on the Tallapoosa River in Tallassee headed for Fort Morgan on their personal watercraft. Yes, Tallassee to Fort Morgan!! The 400 mile trip took over two days and they arrived in Fort Morgan late Saturday night around 9:00. We think they are the first to make the "voyage." You can read an article about their adventure on this week's edition of Tallassee Times. They are also going to be on the radio Wednesday morning around 7:15 to tell the story.

See the article here:

Listen live on the radio here:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.

~Lee Greenwood

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Eleven Years Ago Today....

Michael and I have been married for 11 years today! Hard to believe! I am so blessed to have a nice husband who is a wonderful father as well.
We had a very nice day. We went to The Shakespeare Festival and saw The Comedy of Errors, and then had dinner at The Olive Room in Montgomery. It was nice to have a day to ourselves. We owe Steve and Cathy (Memaw and PawPaw) and huge thank you for keeping all three kids all day long!!
My sweet Georgie made us a card, gave us a dollar and cleaned our kitchen sink for us and "made it squeaky clean" as she said. So sweet and cute!!
Georgie took this picture of us....pretty good for a 5 year old, huh?

May 23, 1998

This was before digital cameras, and I just happened to have this picture scanned on the computer.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother's Day Out Graduation

East Tallassee Baptist Church Mother's Day Out held their graduation program last Sunday afternoon. I was so proud of the children and wanted to share. They led the congregation in the Pledge of Allegiance, Pledge of the Christian Flag and Pledge of the Bible. Then each child shared different facts about the Bible. I must say the next thing would have moved anyone...all of the children recited 26 Bible verses from memory. Mrs Robin had a Bible verse every week of school that correlated with the letter of the alphabet they were studying for that week. It was precious (and impressive) to see this!! Then they sang three songs, B-I-B-L-E, Books of the Bible, and Be Careful Little Eyes. I love the Books of the Bible song. How many 5 year olds do you know that can say all of the books of the Old Testament?? Then the graduating class led the closing prayer where each child said their own prayer. It was amazing to see what Mrs. Robin has done with the little ones. She has started a strong Christian foundation that is the beginning of their spiritual growth. What a wonderful ministry and teacher!!

Georgia with her "diploma"

Georgia Anne leading the Pledge of Allegiance

Alex leading the Pledge of the Bible

Reciting facts about the Bible

Singing Be Careful Little Eyes

Kirsten and Georgia with their graduation gifts

The kids and Mrs. Robin with the canvas I painted for her

(The centers of each flower are the children's thumbprint)

Alex, Georgia Anne, Kirsten and Chloe

Kirsten and Georgia Anne

Cole, Georgia Anne and Caleb