
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some funny, random pictures

Georgie and Bry playing dress-up (I think think is a good bribery pic when he gets to be a teenager)
What is it with kids and an empty box?? Instant entertainment!

My little tree-hugger

Georgie catching rainwater in her mouth after playing in the rain on the back patio (I think she looks like a baby bird!)

Diaper Shower

This past Sunday afternoon, Beth, Nancy, Angie and Christy hosted a diaper shower for Daniel and me! It was at Beth's beautiful new house. Everything was so nice and we all had a lot of fun. I am hoping to have more pictures to add. I was bad and didn't take as many pictures as I should have...I was too busy running my mouth! So, if anyone that was there has pics they would like to share, please do! Thanks to everyone who helped and came!!
Me (and my very big tummy), Christy, Angie, Brett, Nancy, Tara, Tori and Beth

Cathy (Memaw), Georgie and Grandma Stalnaker

Marshall and Kami

Nan, Patti, Robin, Grandma Stalnaker and Becky

Tori and Georgie

All of the nice goodies everyone brought!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kami's Bridal Tea

Sunday afternoon was my sister-in-law, Kami's bridal tea. My mom, Ruthanne, hosted it at her home and everything was so nice and pretty and girly! Kami and Joey are getting married April 25th, so they are counting down the days!!

Alunda (Joey's mom), Ruthanne(my mom), Kami and Cathy (Kami's mom)

Robin (Cathy's sister), Grandma Stalnaker (Cathy's mom) and Cathy

Georgie enjoying a cheese straw

Kami opening her gift from the hostesses, a cake plate to her everyday china.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sponge Rollers

I know all you girls about my age remember the pink sponge hair rollers we use to sleep in to get curly hair. The other day in Wal-Mart Georgie spotted sponge rollers, except now they are blue, and wanted them. So we got a pack and rolled her hair. She was so pleased with her curls. I caught her standing on our bed looking in the mirror singing a song she had made up...."you look so beautiful Georgia look so beautiful." She was singing this while "flicking" her back back. It was the funniest thing! Anyway, we have now rolled her hair several times, even sleeping in them one night.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So, I was tagged by Kami to answer these questions about Michael....

  1. What is his name? Michael Steven Butler
  2. Who eats more? We eat about the same.
  3. Who said "I Love You" first? He did.
  4. Who is taller? He is.
  5. Who is more sensitive? Me, by far!!
  6. Who does the laundry? Who do you think...ME!
  7. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does.
  8. Who pays the bills? He does.
  9. Who cooks more? I cook more, but he actually does cook some and it pretty good at it.
  10. Who is more stubborn? HE IS!!
  11. Who is the first to admit they were wrong? Me.
  12. Who has more siblings? He does.
  13. Who wears the pants in the relationship? He does.
  14. What do you like to do together? We used to play board games all the time, as well as go to the movies and travel....that was before kids. Now we can't seem to find time to do those things anymore.
  15. Who eats more sweets? Me.
  16. Guilty pleasures? Eating out too much, when we need to eat in.
  17. How did you meet? In high school, on the Science Club trip to Six Flags. We sat next to each other on the bus....he flirted with me the entire time.
  18. Who asked whom out first? He did.
  19. Who kissed who first? I hate to admit it, but me.
  20. Who proposed? He did.
  21. His best features and qualities? He is the BEST dad ever. He is also very quick-witted and smart and he usually has a lot of patience, especially with me. He also works very hard to provide for our family so I can stay home with the kiddos!
  22. TAG...You're it! Who do you tag? I will tag Robin and Leah.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Winter Hats

We were headed out the door the other day, and I looked at the kids with their little hats on, and realized I needed to take a picture of them wearing them. I think they look so cute, with their little faces peeking out.